November 30, 2008

The stupid haircut

It has always been easy for me to get a haircut that I want and satisfying back in Labuan, and that's because there was no language problem. I can just tell the Chinese aunty like this:" Belakang kasih pendek, kasih nampak tebal, tepi kasih ikut length mcm belakang juga" - that and with a bit of hand gestures. And then after going there for a few times with the same style, the next time I come I'll just say " Potong yang macam duuulu".
All is good until I came to Penang. First, it's quite hard for me to explain the haircut that I want because I refuse to speak Chinese and they only speak in Chinese, Hokkien to be exact, and when I speak English its quite hard for them to digest. Its like when I say " make the back look thicker" their brains process those words into some alien language "make$#the@#^back%!look*&^)thicker". I guess they are just not used to having a girl customer who has Chinese looks but couldn't speak Chinese. And then I found ViVa Saloon in which the hairdresser can speak English, ok lah...but most of the time I don't get the look that I want. I think it is because he is more into stylish haircut, and I'm more into simple, neat and easy to manage hairstyle that I can wear daily without giving so much fuss.
My hair is was quite long after a hair cut in April this year, and I just couldn't tahan having long hair cos very menyampah and I malas want to manage.

So I went to ViVa to get a short-a bit bob at the back-below ears length haircut. He ask me if I want my to hair to able to be tied up after after the cut, I told him a big bold NO. Punya lah alang-alang the haircut...tia puas hati!!!!!!!!! It was still long, masih boleh ikat mind youuuu, and then it was not short enough at the sides that when I tuck my hair behind my ears, it forms an annoying curve shape!!!! yux!!! Below pic is the haircut, couldn't really see lah but if you look closely its still a bit messy, not NEAT as I want it to be.
Can see?
See..I still can tie my hair.

I memang tia puas hati especially the stupid curves really annoys me eh!!! SO I went to get another hair cut again two weeks later, which was yesterday. The hairdresser speaks English and he can understand me just fine, thank goodness. So i just told him the same thing. He nodded and started working his miracle on my ididot hair..and I can slowly see how my hair unfolds to the shape, length and style that I want. And it took only half hour.
Tadaa~~ this is so much better!

I know lah maybe this is not a style that suits me or my bentuk muka, but who cares lah cos this is the cut that I want, less fuss (especially when I wake up during weekdays for work) and manageble. Hehehe~!~!~!~ =)


Joan said...

cyn, i know the annoying curve shape when you tuck hair behind the ears tu, same la with my hair.

if susah2, go straighten your hair la. easier to manage kalo sudah lurus tu tapi kasi tau tu cina jangan kasi yang macam pisau dia punya lurus, nanti terputung urang di siring2 ko..haha

Onderay said...

i tot u can speak mandarin? why so susah talk to them in english?

eNatasha said...

oh i pun experience the same problem with the language barrier! i only puas hati with the hair cut if i cut my hair in labuan jak. and i think urang labuan sama jak kali:

"I think it is because he is more into stylish haircut, and I'm more into simple, neat and easy to manage hairstyle that I can wear daily without giving so much fuss."


eh btw, bila u balik labuan this?

Dee MeLody said...

because lidah kelu already to speak in mandarin, it seems so alien to me nowadays.well, except when cursing..=p hahaha!!