March 29, 2009

CUS Nite 09: *!Masquerade!*

Naza Hotel, Tanjung Bungah

I was walking around Sg.2 shop lots on Friday after work when bumped into Sara. We said Hi's! and Hello's!.....and "Do you want to go to CUS nite?" she asked.
I was looking forward to do something fun for the weekend ( I already have plans...) and this invitation actually adds to the list. And I couldn't resist when she said that my ticket will be half price (filling in for Maria who pulled out as she was not well)! And the theme definitely sounds unique + interesting :) Without me asking, Sara said that she has an extra mask so I can borrow (yAY! no need to buy!)..spells L.U.C.K.Y to me!
I headed home and was thinking of what to wear..its been quite some time since I dressed up + make up for occasion like this...I can't help being excited, even though I'll be the super senior ex-CUS member and might not know all of the people who are coming.
Anyway, as I got down from my car, I remembered that it should be time for my Whimsey green BOHO-like skirt to arrive. So I quickly walk up to my mailbox and open it and....tadaaaa~!~!~!~ SUDAH SAMPAI BAH!!!!!!!!!!! This just gets better cos I can wear this skirt as it is and pair it with a blouse, OR I can wear it as a tube dress. So this delivery came just in time! Everything just fall into place nicely :) *Kotohuadan to Jade-Stlye!*

So Saturday came, and let's have the pictures do the talking, shall we? :)

Put my lipstick on..

So I decided to wear it as a dress..

Ready to Go!

Suzanne and Amy are coming with me, so I drove to Desa-U to fetch them. I was a bit worried as dark clouds are closing in on the blue sky. But being a typical girlie girl...dorang belum siap bermekap ;p So i waited...

Cam whore a bit..tehee~

Take pictures of my surroundings..

After they got in the car, jalan we go! After menempuhi hujan lebat yang gila gila lebat, plus ter'overshoot' U-turn to Naza, we finally reached Naza in 1 piece and found a comfortable parking space without ticket (cos sia park depan rumah urang...hehehehe). With tummy durmming away, we waste no time and rush into the Hotel and go to Level 1 where there dinner is held...

I took lots of pictures of our food and some of the perfomances, but it was kinda crappy (especially the perfomaces) due to the poor lighting, and besides I wasn't using a very canggih camera. Haha~ Oh and I forgot to mention that I didn't get to wear mask, cos Sara forgot to bring, no big deal also lah cos among my main reason to join this dinner is to makan, see perfomances and jumpa my junior2s :)

Amy came up with the brilliant idea of 'pinjam orang punya mask and then ambil gambar lah...' Hehe. So we go and pinjam...erm, not really "pinjam" lah cos we waited until our next table neighbour empty and we tip-toed to their table and "pinjam" their mask and siok sendiri snapping away..hehe! ;p

I didn't took much pictures with others during the dinner...maybe because it's my time bah, mine was two years back...and we snapped away like crazy back then, macam 3 camera pun inda cukup nih...apa tida kan, 2 yrs back the largest memory pun 512MB only right? But anyhow, here some pictures that I sempat take :)

And oh yeah, the dinner will not be complete without the LUCK DRAW event!!! I almost forgot ;) We will always have this slot every year. And I WON one! ;p

YAY! MaMeeee~!~!~


Joan said...

wah...sioknya CUS nyte..huhu.. missing the good ol'times.

Napa kunun adik sa pun jadi penyibuk juga sana tu.

btw, lawa oh baju ko..hehe..

Dee MeLody said...

hahaha..kami lah yang jadi penyibuk no joan ;p

iya...tu baju ditempah khas tu.hahaha

Suis Rusak said...

haha.. sa mmg penyibuk yg berjaya...

cyn mcm mana mo minta pics from u ni...